iRacing Sportscar Series

To get started racing with us in iRacing, complete these steps:

Step 1: Link Your iRacing Account

Once you have linked your Steam and Discord accounts, link your iRacing account by adding your customer ID to your Profile.

Step 2: Get the Discord iRacing role

Visit the 🏆 Channels & Roles Discord channel and check the iRacing role to view various content on this site.

Step 3: Join Our League on iRacing

Log into the iRacing website and go to the Leagues tab and click Find a League. Enter 10580 as the League ID. Click Apply to League.

Step 4: Purchase iRacing Content from the iRacing Store

Visit the Sessions page and become familiar with the tracks and cars being used in our league for the upcoming season. Purchase any tracks and cars that you will need for the sessions in which you intend to participate.

Step 5: Create a Test Drive Session

Create a Test Drive session matching the settings of our scheduled race sessions and get practicing!

GO Setups
Trak Racer
Coach Jeffries Academy
AT3D Sim Shop
Castle Cauldron