Below is a list of all current drivers, their division classes, driver numbers, number of league races and current SRAting. You can change your driver information under your profile.
Driver numbers are purged on a regular basis under the driver number retention policy described in our Rules & Regulations. Scheduling for purged driver numbers will be announced on Discord in order to have a fair chance to claim an available driver number.
Driver numbers used: 761 of 999
Division 1 - 49
20 29
Division 2 - 50
22 28
Division 3 - 46
22 24
Division 4 - 43
22 21
Division 5 - 46
23 23
Division 6 - 32
16 16
55 countries, displaying 32 countries with 2+ drivers
DriversCountry |
466 (61.2%) United States |
109 (14.3%) Canada |
31 (4.1%) Colombia |
18 (2.4%) United Kingdom |
17 (2.2%) France |
10 (1.3%) Brazil |
7 (0.9%) Netherlands |
6 (0.8%) Australia |
6 (0.8%) Germany |
6 (0.8%) Mexico |
5 (0.7%) India |
5 (0.7%) Portugal |
4 (0.5%) Costa Rica |
4 (0.5%) Italy |
4 (0.5%) Puerto Rico |
3 (0.4%) Argentina |
3 (0.4%) Poland |
3 (0.4%) Sweden |
2 (0.3%) Armenia |
2 (0.3%) Belgium |
2 (0.3%) Bosnia and Herzegovina |
2 (0.3%) Bulgaria |
2 (0.3%) Chile |
2 (0.3%) China |
2 (0.3%) Denmark |
2 (0.3%) Hungary |
2 (0.3%) Jamaica |
2 (0.3%) Singapore |
2 (0.3%) Taiwan, Province of China |
2 (0.3%) Turkey |
2 (0.3%) Ukraine |
2 (0.3%) Venezuela |